Monday, May 30, 2011


It was seven years ago that I was scratching like crazy, a product of pruritic uticarial pupules and placques of pregnancy (PUPPP), a harmless but very itchy byproduct of pregnancy.  At least some pregnancies, such as my pregnancy with Mason.  Luckily my OBGYN said "you can do something about that - deliver this baby".  So that's what I did. 

And seven years later, here's my baby opening up some Monster trucks from his grandparents on his birthday.
Mason's actual birthday was on Tuesday.  Since we weren't having his party until Saturday, we had a little mini-celebration on Tuesday with Yaya and Papa Ron.  The Star Wars Legos were a hit.  Plus, the pieces were scattered across the floor for the rest of the week.

Siena is just old enough to struggle a little bit at the idea of Mason having a birthday but hers being so far off.  To stave off the agony, her Mama got her what she's always wanted...Princess Celestia.

We got a little Baskin Robbins ice cream cake for the mini celebration.  And in case you forgot how old Mason is...
Happy birthday to you...

Zombie husband?
Saturday was Mason's birthday party in the park.  We knew there were a couple x-factors with this plan.  First, it's Memorial day weekend so a lot of his friends were going to be out of town.  Second, it's Oregon in May.  Definitely not a month you can count on for good weather.  Finally, I'm attempting another birthday cake. Yes, there's a number of things that could go wrong.

A few of Mason's friends from school that he invited were out of town and couldn't come but we had a good turnout and a lot of his favorite people were able to make it.

Despite hurricane like torrential rain the afternoon before (and moments of panic on my part), the weather turned out perfect!  We couldn't have asked for a nicer afternoon.  Hell, I even got a sunburn.

The Hams and even Bea were able to join us.  Mason has gotten to know Auntie Lou well after or trips to Roslyn and the Dakotas last summer and really wanted her to come.
No Star Wars party is complete without the Darth Vader pinata.  This was a special pull the string at the bottom variety as opposed to the beating the crap out of it with a stick type. 

Some of the vertically challenged party guests needed a boost.

And the grandma and auntie look on, trying to analyze with the pinata will break. Yaya had some doubts.

Oh yeah.  It broke, followed by the scrum...
Darth Luis.
I must confess.  This is not the cake I left the house to go to the party with.  I attempted to make a Star Wars cake.  My best guess is that I didn't let the cake cool enough before attempting to frost it because it disintegrated in the car on the way there.  I got mad and frustrated and made a beeline with Siena to Safeway to buy a respectible cake.  You won't see a picture of the failed cake.  It went straight to the garbage at the park before anyone other than Siena could get a look (or a picture) of it.
Mason didn't seem to mind though.  We stuck some Star Wars figures on it and it was still a good cake.

About 20 minutes after we got home for the party, the rain came.  We sure got lucky.  Lately the kids have taken to having "sleepovers" with each other on non-school nights (Mama doesn't allow it on school nights).  The favorite form of sleepover is making big tents and forts in the living room.  This is the tent city they slept in Saturday night.
Sunday Yaya and Papa Ron came over and helped me paint Mason's room.  3 coats of green later, we got it done.  We're going to get his new bed this week so I'm holding off posting pictures until his whole room is completed and set up.  It's coming together good and will definitely not be a baby room anymore.

The kids had a sleepover at Yaya and Papa Ron's last night so Luis and I had a date day today.  For us, tha means we got to see a movie.  2 actually.  We went to Hangover 2 and Bridesmaids.  Both were good but I especially loved Bridesmaids.  Soooo funny.

Time for 3 mintues of tv before it's time for me to go to bed now...

1 comment:

Mary Lou said...

Oh Kris, you are so good! I love your pictures. You are such a good mom! And thank you and Luis for the fun party. We love the expressions on Mason's face. Sorry about your cake, but glad for the good weather.