Monday, April 27, 2009

Technical Difficulties

So my camera was dysfunctional for 90% of the last week due to battery issues. I did manage t0 catch one shot of Mason at his soccer game. No action shots - they come out too dark there.

Mason is running great! Unfortunately a side cramp slowed him down in the closing minutes of the game. He still had a good time.

We also went to Gloria's b-day party yesterday which would have made for a great photo op but alas. I can't even post the avocado green color she informed us that she wanted to paint her house. Think 1970's puke green. I voiced my opposition. Perhaps a bit too much.

I'm now coming down with Siena's cold and between that, the Blazers losses, and my iPod technical difficulties, I'm surly at best. Luis would call me worse right now I think...but this blog is rated PG.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

That Not Supposed to Happen!

That's right. The Blazers weren't supposed to embark on their first playoff game in 6 years by getting slaughtered by the Rockets. At home. No. As Mason would say "that not supposed to happen!"

That's the only thing that could put a damper on this beautiful weekend. Almost.

We hit the park on Saturday. Siena is the swing queen!
Mason LOVES to go for walks around the park. Unfortunatly, at the tail end of his walk with daddy, he bit it on the pavements and skinned his knees. He needed some mommy hugs after that.
The classic Cruz family picture - Mason in tears over his knees and Seina climbing on something.
We went to Baskin Robbins after the park to try to lift the injured boys spirits. Ice cream defintily did the trick.
Luis had a soccer game today (he's the one in the light yellow jersey). The kids and I went to watch him and we all had a good time. Note to self: taking toys for the kids to these events was a good idea.
Here's some common phrases around our house:
Siena: "I tiny one!"
Mason: "What are you saying?!?"
Me: "Siena, why don't you have pants on?"
Siena: "I watch Stwaabely Shortcake!"
Mason: "Siena hit me!"
Mason: "I want you."
Mason: "I having a bad day!"
Siena: "I go potty..."
Me: "Siena, where are your pants!?!"
Me: "Siena, get dressed!"
Apparently Luis is less repetitive than the rest of us since neither he nor I can think of any of his catch phrases.
Back to watching my E True Hollywood Story on Punky Brewster!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bunny Hops and Puppy Drops

Seriously, another one? Apologies for the blurry picture. Luis took it. You get the drift though.
If we have many more of those things, one of these days I'm going to look in the back yard and see this:
But I digress...
So we went up to Yaya and Papa Ron's for Easter celebrations. Of course it was raining. It is Oregon after all. When we pulled up, this is what we saw. I knew right away who the culprit was.
This wasn't the culprit. This is the little girl that fell asleep on the way to YaYa's clutching her Easter basket.
But she was the first one seated and ready for Easter dinner!
We made a smart decision in doing dinner prior to the Easter egg hunt. Full bellies make for a little less candy eating. Not much though.
Is there one here? Nope, Mason got it already.
Hurry, hurry...those eggs move pretty fast!
Happiness is: finding an egg filled with chocolate.
Happiness is not: finding Toby's poopie under the dining room table.
Displaying the loot.
Aaahhhh, the boys. Dad's shirt matches the couch. Mom must have picked that out.
This was an attempt at a picture of Luis, Siena, and Annette. Too bad we can't exactly see Annette.
Siena got the bright idea last week to grab the scissors and cut her own hair. This is the result. Yup, the hair on top is about the length of Mason's. Guess it'll be a while before we get her bangs grown out.
Oh, and there's Easter chocolate around her mouth to boot. That's my little girl! Speaking of my dainty little girl...quick, move before Toby lifts his leg!!!
Yeah, Annette and Mom got a kick out of noting that my daughter was just like me in a dress. Hahahahaha...
Mason's Easter disco ball.
One plus about my kids is that they actually like hard boiled eggs. I never did as a kid (though I do now) Thank goodness since they provide some semblance of balance against all the sugar.

Whew. It was a good Easter. Maybe one of these years we'll be able to do the egg hunt in doors but regardless, we had a wonderful dinner and a good time with the company. Now its back for another work week. As I type, Mason is screaming about his poopie (he's already done 7 in the toilet, not sure why #8 is a big deal) and Siena is taunting him. I think I'll stay down here just a little bit longer...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do It Again

It took 2 weeks and about 800 tries but I FINALLY got through that song yesterday on hard. I emitted a resounding "Woo Hoo!" Then I realized I was getting waaayyyyy too excited about a video game.

So moving on...

Calling all aspiring landscape designers!! See below. Somethings's gotta be done with this slope from hell. I sprayed all of the weeds today to get them to expire but it still needs a plan. Then we'll save up our money for a decade and implement the plan. This is the ultimate Landscaper's Challenge. HGTV, where are you when we need you!
The weather this weekend was BEAUTIFUL!! No, we didn't do this all weekend:
But Luis is struggling with his own Do It Again (Mountain Song) but I'm he'll just keep doing it again.
Oh, and there's my pride and joy:
Oh wait, this is my pride and joy. Mason had his first practice today for soccer. Game #1 is next week. He's on his cousin Andre's team and they're excited to play together. Mason is also made such improvement over a year ago. Now he has 100% confidence out on the pitch.
Of course, he's thrilled to come home and play cars.
Speaking of my sweetie boy, he gave me this flower on Friday. Aaawwwww.....
We may have worn out the Nannies...I should probably wake her up now but I think I'll let her have a few more minutes. She's so sweet when she's asleep.