Sunday, November 23, 2008

Eating Our Curds and...Curds.

Luis and the kids were getting cabin fever and I'm up for an adventure so we went to the beach this weekend.

Going to the beach has always been a big part of my family. I would go with my parents a few times a year growing up, often staying at the Nordic motel in Lincoln City. When I was in high school, they bought a beach house at Lincoln Beach south of Lincoln City which was a lot of fun. A little over a year ago, they bought a condo in Taft by Mo's also south of Lincoln City. We mooch a few times a year and go stay there. We'd definitly go more often, but you've seen this blog. We're busy people.

On the way down yesterday, we made a detour up to Tillamook to pay homage to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. They make a darn good cheddar and exceptional ice cream. We partook in both.

First, there was lunch though. Despite her tasty popcorn chicken, Siena most enjoyed my pickle.
There is no wrong way to eat a corn dog. Here is Mason's nibble all the corn off the dog...
And leave the remainder of the dog for Dad.
Then we went on the tour!
The kids liked the tour too. Its fun to watch the production in progress.
When we got into Lincoln City, we stopped by Safeway for the Cruz family staples - apple juice and milk. Luis is taking a detour that Mason disagrees with. It should also be noted that the apple juice met a sad fate upon arrival at the condo. Someone, not to name names (Luis), put it too far back in the car and it took a suicidal leap when I opened the hatch. Yes, we bought more.
We had breakfast this morning at our favorite beach breakfast haunt - the Spouting Horn. This restaurant overlooks the bay in Depot Bay. They were a little short staffed this morning so Mason and I had to keep ourselves entertained.
Once the food came, the eating was good. Especially the oranges for Siena.
Then we went to the Evergreen Museum in McMinnville - home of the Spruce Goose. If there is anyone unfamiliar with the Spruce Goose, go watch the Aviator. The kids are inside the Spruce Goose in this picture. Unfortunately due to the plexiglass they are in front of, its hard to see how big it is but trust me, this airplane is HUGE!
This was Siena's favorite airplane at the museum. She didn't say why but I'm guessing the bright colors have something to do with it. Mason and Siena also took home airplane souveniers that look like this plane. Siena's is already broken.
There was a hands-on kids area at the museum which was Mason and Siena's favorite part. I didn't think I'd see Mason flying an airplane quite this soon.
That's a lot of switches but Mason seems in control.
Yup, he can fly a helicopter too!
Did I mention I have three children?!?
My studious little boy. And I liked these old wooden planes.
Recently the museum added another building which is the aerospace portion of their displays. It has some big toys in it...
Siena learned all about lunar landings.
Outside the space museum was an awesome playground. In case we hadn't worn out the kids in the 2 museums, the playground was bound to do the trick.
She climbs.
I can't let this post end this week without saying a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAYA!!!!!!!!
P.S. - I've heard of contractions Papa Ron. When I'm retired like you, I might actually have time to proof read and ensure their proper use. Until then, I'm busy doing actual ACCOUNTING work, and this is as good as its going to get. :-)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Its Been A Hard Days Night

For non-accountants, it should be noted that the life of an accountant is centered around dates and deadlines. For tax accounants, its obviously all about April 15. For financial reporting accountants like me, its all about quarter end management and SEC reporting deadlines. I am currently in the midst of the 3rd quarter close and its been a beast. Here's what at typical day for me last week entailed:

6:45 AM - Alarm goes off. I roll over but do not acknowledge.

7:01 AM - Carl Castle comes on the radio with Morning Edition from NPR. I know now that I really should get out of bed.

7:07 AM - Morning edition is over and OPB is beginning their news. Now I really know its time to get out of bed.

7:16 AM - I'm out of bed. Both kids are shouting "AWAKE!!!"

7:24 AM - I should be in shower. Instead, I'm pouring apple juice for Mason and removing lid from yogurt carton for Siena.

7:46 AM - Morning routine is concluded. Note that routine is precisely the same every morning. Any variation in the order runs the risk of forgetting something critical. Like deodorant.

7:54 AM - Sitting in the Starbucks drive-thru line to procure my non-fat triple shot vanilla latte and my chonga bagel toasted with cream cheese. I am also listening to one of my podcasts, likely either Never Not Funny or This American Life.

8:28 AM - Arrive at my desk. Attempt to inhale bagel prior to our 8:30 team meeting. If bagel is not consumed, bagel comes to meeting.

8:54 AM - Meeting has concluded. We are all aware of how behind we are but what our priorities for the day are.

9:02 AM - Use restroom.

10:02 AM - Use restroom.

10:46 AM - Grab a Snickers and a Reeses peanut butter cup from the candy dish.

11:02 AM - Use restroom. Darn latte and water combo.

11:25 AM - Wonder what lunch today will be.

11:44 AM - Wonder if lunch might be early.

11:58 AM - Lunch is here. Run down hall and fill plate.

12:05 PM - Eat lunch while attempting to complete LA Times Crossword puzzle online.

12:15 PM - Crossword and lunch are completed, after 5 "hints" received for the crossword.

1:35 PM - Post-lunch sleepiness begins to set in.

2:23 PM - Post-lunch sleepiness is in full force. Procure another Snickers and some M&M's from candy dish.

3:02 PM - Use restroom.

4:14 PM - Start wondering what is for dinner.

5:01 PM - Run down hall and fill up dinner.

5:07 PM - Eat dinner while attempting to complete USA Today crossword online. Same number of "hints" are required.

6:12 PM - Enjoying post dinner second wind.

7:14 PM - Wondering how late I'm going to have to stay tonight.

8:16 PM - Start dropping subtile, passive aggressive hints and questions to manager in vain attempt to determine how late I will be staying.

8:33 PM - Ponder the reasons I entered this profession.

8:54 PM - Give up the attempt to determine the lateness and focus attention on not falling asleep on desk.

9:03 PM - Stare blankly at screen for 3 straight minutes.

9:07 PM - Start IM-ing coworker to determine how late he thinks we'll be working.

9:22 PM - Keep plowing away for another 15 minutes.

9:37 PM - Determine its a lost cause. Go home.

10:02 PM - Arrive home braindead to excited and chatty husband.

10:15 PM - Attempt to chat back and watch tv for few minutes.

10:24 PM - Determine its a lost cause. Go to bed.

So for anyone that ever cared and most of those that didn't, there's a day in the life of an accountant. Is there now any wonder why there is no reality show following us around all day?

In case you're starved for pictures or were wondering what Luis and the kids were doing this week while I was doing the aforestated, they spent one day at the Bob the Builder exhibit at the Children's Museum.

The Children's Museum also has a nice water play area. Looks to me like they were having more fun than I was...
Prior to this visit, Mason had been afraid to go in the water area of the museum. Guess he's past that.

The apron is a nice look for him.
Here's the Bob the Builder exhibit. Mason has become a huge Bob the Builder fan of late thanks to some DVD check-outs from the library. This is his favorite vehicle from the show, Rolly. I think he likes Rolly because he's green, Mason's favorite color.
Siena likes whatever her big brother likes so she too was happy to see the Bob the Builder exhibit.
What?!? They're standing next to each other and no one is crying? I have been gone a long time.

Twice?!?!?!? Goodness!!

Luckily I have gotten to spend a lot of time with both kids and the hubby bthis weekend. Thank goodness. I sure missed them.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Its a Harvest!

The occasion was Jocelyn's first birthday. It was a harvest party with costumes encouraged. Luis and I wore our John and Yoko costumes long enough the week before to know how bad the wigs itched so only Mason and Siena joined in the costume spirit for our clan.

Miss Jocelyn was in the spirit though - with her ballerina tutu. She isn't walking yet but she doesn't need to. She gets everywhere she needs to go on her knees. If only we would have known that all the girl needed was some knee pads for her birthday...I'm thinking the thick volleyball variety.
Uncle Bruce was certainly in the spirit. I'm not sure what you'd call this costume. Something along the lines of surgeon wrestles with fisherman.
Here's Shelley holding Jocelyn...I'm hearing the biological clock ticking...tic toc, tic toc...
Berren was adorable as a candy corn. And his costume made me hungary.
Dan gets the prize for most creative costume: Wall Street banker. He's showing off his government subsidies.
Bruce and Mary Lou deliver the all important directions on how to procure dinner. I'm not sure exactly what Mary Lou's costume was. Something along the lines of Anne of Green Gables meets Maria von Trapp.
No, these aren't piles from the kids' diapers. I can see where the confusion would come in. Actually they are black bean and squash patties. Chandra made them and they are served with a sour cream based sauce. Once you get past the initial appearance, they are soooooo good. And we were all regular for the next 3 days...
Aaaahhh, the three pianists. Their cd will be released later in the year. Billy Joel has nothing on these kids.
Heidi the Terrible!
No explanation required.
This is where we put naughty little Daisy Ducks!
Doh! Daisy escaped! Now Handy Manny is under lock and key while the Tinkerbell damsel tries to rescue him!
Heidi thinks she has everything under control with the kids. Its a valiant effort at least.
I don't even know what to say about this. Nice hat?
Or this. It should be clear to all though that these two are siblings...
Daisy Duck commandeered Jocelyn's new toy bus. The fact that it was still in the box didn't deter her.
And Mason has tissue paper in ears. If the mechanic thing doesn't work out, perhaps stand-up comedy will.
It was a nice party. It took place after I had already updated the blog last weekend, hence the week late posting on this event.
It's quarter end at work so I spent the better part of the week staring at spreadsheets on a computer screen. My viewing of Tuesday's election coverage consisted of a MSNBC pop-up red and blue map of the US, with the states turning colors as results were called. I got home in time to see McCain's concession speech. I was excited by the results and am looking forward to seeing what the next 4 years will bring.
Last night I went to a small party to help raise some money for my grade-school friend Jill Neary. Jill overcame brain cancer about 5 years ago but and a recurrance this August. She has had successful surgery and has undergone chemo and the prognosis is good. However, she hasn't been able to work for the last few months while receiving treatment so the gathering was to raise some funds to help her out.
I haven't seen Jill since high school but there's something about the friends you grow up with that will always have a special place in my memory.
Here's a picture of Jill from our 9th grade yearbook. Its pretty indicative of how I remember her personality.

The party was hosted by another friend of mine from grade school and high school, Becca Sanborn. It was great to see Becca again as well as chatting with a number of other old friends and classmates that I hadn't seen in years.
I didn't get home until about 11:30 had to be up and out of the house this morning in time to take Mason to his 9:20 soccer game so I'm a bit tired now. Oh well, it was worth it.
On another note, if anyone has suggestions for how to convince Mason to do is #2 in the toilet rather than a diaper, please leave a comment below. I'm out of ideas myself after trying bribery, peer pressure, encouragement, etc. The kid is stubborn.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

My shout-out to Charles Schultz - I love the Peanuts.

Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. Samhain is a celebration of the end of harvest season in Gaelic culture. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, now known as Halloween, the boundary between the living and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops.

The carving of the pumpkin, or Jack-O-Lantern, is a Halloween tradition. The name jack-o'-lantern can be traced back to the Irish legend of Stingy Jack a greedy, gambling, hard-drinking old farmer. He tricked the devil into climbing a tree and trapped him by carving a cross into the tree trunk. In revenge, the devil placed a curse on Jack, condemning him to forever wander the earth at night with the only light he had: a candle inside of a hollowed turnip.

Halloween did not become a holiday in the United States until the 19th century. The transatlantic migration of nearly two million Irish following the Irish Potato Famine (1845–1849) finally brought the holiday to the United States. Halloween is now the United States' second most popular holiday (after Christmas) for decorating; the sale of candy and costumes is also extremely common during the holiday, which is marketed to children and adults alike. The National Confectioners Association reported in 2005 that 80% of American adults planned to give out candy to trick-or-treaters and 93% of children planned to go trick-or-treating.

The earliest known reference to ritual begging on Halloween in English speaking North America occurs in 1911, when a newspaper in Kingston, Ontario, near the border of upstate New York, reported that it was normal for the smaller children to go street guising (see below) on Halloween between 6 and 7 p.m., visiting shops and neighbors to be rewarded with nuts and candies for their rhymes and songs.

How, you may wonder, do the Cruzes celebrate Halloween? Uh, like everyone else in the country. We gave out candy and took the kidos trick-or-treating. As you can see, Mason was Handy Manny and Siena is miss Daisy Duck.
Trick-or-treating was a lot of fun this year. The kids had the knack down of ringing the doorbells, shouting "trick-or-treat", selecting their candy, and hollering "thanks-bye-thanks-bye" upon leaving. For Luis and I, its a neat way to get to know some of our neighbors. Its not like we'd necessarily go knock on their doors to chat otherwise. And I think its kinda cool that there is such a neighborly-oriented tradition as this holiday.

Well, now its time for Luis and I to go vote. As I've said before, I'm not going to get political on this blog. Therefore, let me just say we're voting for the "O"...

And don't forget to vote in my poll up top!!