Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hi Y'all from Music City

I'd write a longer post, especially given that I had nothing to blog about last week, but I'm in Nashville for 4 days for a conference for work.  In a half hour I heard y'all more than I've heard in the last year.

As the check-in girl informed me, the Gaylord Opryland Resort, where I am staying, is the largest non-casino resort in the country.  I can believe it.  I took a map with me to go find dinner.

Tuesday I am going to the Grand Ole Opry where Rascal Flatts is performing.  Should be a good week.

Here's a picture from one of the hotel atrium's.  This place is amazing.

I promise to blog more next week.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Warrior Week

Labor day weekend gave way to the first day of school for the kids.  For Mason, it was the first day of second grade. For Siena, the first day of kindergarten.  Of course, the warm weather we had been missing all summer finally came this week, just in time for the kids to not be able to wear many of their new school clothes.
Siena in her kindergarten classroom.  Siena's teacher is Ms. Tina, same as Mason had for kindergarten.  After the first day, Tina told Luis that "she sure is different from her brother."
By her second day of kindergarten, she decided that she wanted to walk in by herself to school like Mason does.  Bear in mind that I walked Mason into school every day for the first half of his kindergarten year.  Anyway, when I asked her if she was sure, she sighed and responded "Positive!"

Yesterday was my favorite race of the year...the annual Warrior Dash!  This year's dash was tougher than last years.  Not only was it 95 degrees at the start of my heat, they added some tougher obstacles.  They also altered the route so there were more uphills than last year, as though there weren't enough last year.  This was actually one of the more manageable obstacles on the course.
Of course the mud is the most fun.  I got some good momentum going here and covered a good 30 yards on my belly.
Here's some video of me in the trenches.  It looks like I'm going slow but the mud was thick and we had to stay low to get under the barbed wire.
Post race Kris.  Nothing like a good mud bath for the skin.
Having some snacks with the kids after rinsing off in the pond.
Today we went to the DeCicco's to watch the opening weekend of the NFL.  My Seahawks performed as I expected them to...with a big loss.  We had a nice time with them though and made some more plans for our trip.  And they gave us some Disney homework.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Friday Nights and Apple Delights

Don't let a lack of a blog from last weekend make you think we weren't busy.  I just got home too late and much of our outings didn't involve a camera.  I had coffee with my good friend Sarah, fantasy football draft, and dinner with the parents.  After dinner, I went home for the comfort of my bed while Luis and the kids had a campout at the Torland Campsite.

My dad's burn pile was converted into a bonfire for roasting marshmellows and making s'mores.

After another fantasy football draft on Tuesday, it was time for some real football.  The kids and I headed to my alma mater, Tualatin, to watch my cousin Travis' first game as starting QB for the Timberwolves.  Luis was there in spirit as he was working.
Despite the action on the field, Siena took it upon herself to perform a little song and dance number for the fans in the stands.

Action shot.  The studly guy behind center is Travis.

This game is exhausting...not for the players but for Siena.
In case you can't quite make out the numbers, that's 13 to 3, a Tualatin victory! 
Tyson and the kids were on the lookout for Travis on the field after the game.  They could see much better at his height.

Oh hey, there he is.  But he's a little busy being interviewed about the game. 

Not too busy to high five Mason and Siena and take a picture with us.  The kids definitely thought their big cousin Trav was pretty cool.

Saturday we stayed close to home and watched the Ducks lose.  Fail.

Sunday evening we went up to my parents for a family dinner.  First though, it was apple picking time in the Torland orchard.  Dad even busted out the trailer to help carry the load.
And to use as a ladder with mom's supervision.
Oh yeah.  We'll be eating some good applesauce this year!
It was also an occasion for the great aunts and uncles to celebrate all of the kids' birthdays together.  We decided to do this each year since the kids have gotten bigger and are now having their birthday parties with their friends more than family.  The kids really enjoyed this surprise.
Jocelyn and Berren enjoyed their ice cream dessert together.
Grandpa enjoyed his ice cream too.

Here's the pickers, purple fingers and all.  From back row left Grandpa (in chair), uncle Doug, aunt Joanne, Dad, Mom, me, cousin Heidi, and aunt Mary Lou.  Bottom row from left is Luis, Siena, Ellia, Mason, and Berren.
And aunt Joanne with her daddy. I think grandpa enjoyed coming out and spending some time with the family.

It's been a nice labor day weekend.  We're off to the pool soon to cap off the summer before school starts up for the kidos tomorrow.