Sunday, June 14, 2015

Growing Up Fast

Mason turned 11 several weeks ago over Memorial Day weekend.  Holiday weekends are never the best for ensuring decent birthday party turnout so we tried to do some fun family stuff on his actual birthday and have his big Laser Zone birthday party the following Saturday!

Mason invited both friends from school and friends from soccer (plus the cousins of course).
Even the big kids enjoyed some of the games at Ultrazone, including Joel and Gloria.
Happy Birthday Mason!
Of course we had to bust out the tres leches cake again - it's good stuff.  That's Mason's friend Samuel from soccer.
There he is!
How many kids can huddle around one motorcycle game?!?
Opening a card from his friend Jack who is sitting next to him.
More presents from friends.
Joel and Tristyn had to rock out some Guitar Hero.  So serious...
Siena on a motorcycle.
A couple weeks later was Mason's "graduation" from 5th grade.  Graduation was complete with a ceremony and a certificate.  The ceremony was in the school gym which unfortunately was no less than 1000 degrees at the time of the ceremony.  It was a nice ceremony though and the kids loved it.

Mason getting his certificate from his teacher Ms. Rogers.
Apologies for the blurry shot...we were standing in the back so this is zoomed, cropped, and zoomed some more.
After the ceremony with Mason's friends Pablo and Liam.
Mason's good friend Josue.
Mason with his teacher Ms. Rogers.
Mason with his friend Kate.
The last day of school was a couple of days later.  Siena was participating in the talent show and Luis and I took the day off from work to be sure to catch all of the festivities.

Siena performing her 4 song mash up of songs she made up during the year:
 - Hot Potato
 - Pizza Pizza
 - Gonga
 - Kitty on a Motorcycle
Her spirit and creativity really came through and her performance was a big hit!
After the talent show, the 2nd and 3rd graders had their annual picnic in the park.  Siena's teacher Mr. Holowatz is leaving to teach in Nicaragua next year.  He was a favorite teacher among all the kids.  They're trying to keep him from leaving.
Siena and her good friend Amy Jo holding on tight.
Impromptu 3rd grade class picture at the picnic.  Siena is near the center just behind her teacher.
Another class picture outside their school.  The girl up front apparently really likes the splits.
The last hour of the day was spent signing memory books.  Here's Felix, Mason, and Jack with Carlos photobombing.
The 5th graders got a great send off leaving the school for the last time as the younger grades lined up for high fives and bubble blowing.
Mason with his good friends.  They've all been together in class since kindergarten and are close.  Leaving school was definitely emotional for most of them, even though they'll see each other again in a couple of months at middle school.  Pictured below are Rose, Krelis, Mason, Kaiya, Bella, and Jaden.
The boys taking a selfie - Mason, Liam, and Krelis.
After school, it seemed that half of the school went to J. Gelati for ice cream.  The now closed Concord school is across the street so we all went over there to play and eat our ice cream in the shade.
It was a wonderful birthday and end of school year.  The kids are now settled into their summer routine and getting ready for some camps!