Sunday, March 31, 2013

Halley Boo Boo and Bunny Bun Bun

Spring break week. The kids got to spend time with both grandparents, do some shopping, swimming, and crafts.  Luis and I got to go to dinner with the DeCicco's Wednesday night and to see my podcast and Warrior Dash friend Mike Schmidt perform his show Friday night.  Before going to see Mike though, our poor kitty Halley needed a haircut.

Halley is an outdoor kitty with really long fur.  After a winter of mud and rain, she was all matted fur.  Basically a kitty with dreadlocks.  All we could do was take it all off - a brush wasn't going to get the job done.  So we needed to enlist some clippers...
And Mason's supervision...
Grumpy cat.
Halley was sure a trooper.
Yes, that is enough fur for about 10 cats.
Yes, she knows how ridiculous she looks.  Don't remind her.  But she feels much better.
After an intense 1 vs. 1 basketball game between Luis and I on Saturday and a family dinner at the food carts, we were all ready for the Easter Bunny today!!
Mason and Siena were sure excited.  We went up to my parents for brunch with the Kinney family.
Mason was even nice enough to push his little sister on the swings!
Let the egg hunting begin!  Did I mention the weather this weekend was perfect?  Sunny and 70s both days. Easter in Portland has never been nicer.
Run! Run!
My parents yard looked amazing with the spring blossoms.
Siena hunting down the last few hidden eggs.

My cousin Judy and her boys were in town from Montana.  Evan and Austin hunted for eggs along with Mason and Siena.

The eggs match Siena's dress
The kids and the loot!

After eggs, the kids busted out the go-cart.  Definitely fun for the kids riding all over the yard.
It may have been Easter, but it was also Uncle Walt's 85th birthday! We got to celebrate both.
The lawn is the perfect place for Siena to practice her cartwheels!  She had to ditch the dress to do it though.
We went to the Cruzes for a while to celebrate Easter with them.  We finished off the day with a nice 1 vs. 1 basketball game between Mason and I.  He's tough competition.

And as with last week, I was here too.  Along with Barbie.  And Rick Piterno.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend By The Sea

It's spring break, for the kids at least, which means it's time for us to head down to the beach!  Even though we just went a month and a half ago, that trip doesn't really count since the kids had the flu and didn't get to enjoy it much.

The kids do the beach in style.
So does Luis, drinking his coffee properly with pinky out.
After our Spouting Horn breakfast, it was time for a hike!  I found this one on the web and thought it would be a good one to try.  After 10 winding miles to get there, we were ready to go!
This was the coolest stump we found along the way...might as well pose in front of it!
Siena's not a huge fan of walking.  She likes to take breaks wherever possible...this fallen tree was as good a spot as any.
Bridge!  Is this our waterfall?  I don't think so...
Another stump to examine!
Daddy was more interested in trying to understand the bird that left this.
Is this our waterfall?  It's pretty and all, but I don't think so...
Another stump...another break.
Another fallen log, another break.
Here's our waterfall!  Wait, that can't be right...
Hug a tree Mason!
Woah, now that's a bridge.
Now that's a waterfall!
This suspension bridge was rocked and swayed as we walked on it.  Plus the view of the waterfall is more than worth the price of admission.
Oh yeah.
From the end of the trail down below.  Absolutely amazing.
Some Daddy luvs on the way up.  These kids don't need help on hikes.  Doesn't stop us from having some fun though.
Drift Creek covered bridge...also cool.
Supposedly taking a break.  This is Mason and Siena in their normal poses.
Now this is a perfect day at the beach.
Play time!
Wow, are they actually working together?
See - amazingly nice day!
Siena and I made a sandcastle.  I think we did a nice job.
We had dinner at our favorite place - Oregon Seafood Co. at Newport.  Mason and Luis are entertaining themselves as we wait.
This place serves amazing seafood but also sells fresh seafood.  The kids are checking out the days catch.
Helping Daddy get the last of the crab out of the claw.
This crab leg thing is serious business.
Just because she's cute.
This morning we got up, headed to breakfast at Lil' Sambo's, and then up to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Obligatory pictures of the farmer and cow to follow.
Aaaaahhhhh!  Oh, and here's the proof that I was here too.
And making the cheese.  Watching this never gets old.  Probably helps that I love cheese.
So we loaded up on curds and ice cream and headed back home, dropping off the kids at Yaya and Papa Ron's for a sleepover.  So what do Luis and I do with the kids gone?  Play some basketball and go out for sushi.