Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snowpacolypse 2014

Snow in Oregon is a rare thing.  We may get a dusting once a year or so.  Every few years, we get several inches.  That's when the city shuts down.

This time those several inches came on Thursday.  For me, that's right in the middle of year end reporting at work.  For the kids, it meant school was let out 2 hours early.  We all made it home by the afternoon.  Luis and I worked from home Thursday afternoon and Friday.  With the addition of more snow and an ice treat yesterday, we stayed in like all good Oregonians do, aside from a couple walks and sledding outings.
Mason and Siena were initially unsure about sledding as they haven't done it much.  After one run though, this hill was determined to be too slow.  I however was tired after fighting with the fireplace (pictures to follow) and not up for hoofing it around the neighborhood to find a better hill.  Sorry kids, maybe next time.
The kids had a lot of fun playing regardless.  They spent time on the hill and in our yard over the last few days.
Since it was much warmer than Park City, they could actually spend some quality time out playing.
We spent a lot of quality time indoors too.  Siena painted an amazing picture of Elsa from Frozen!  She is proud.
The kids also made Olaf from Frozen.
And speaking of the fireplace, we are in the process of replacing our monstrosity.  Luis and I had the bright idea that we could save some cash by doing the demo ourselves.  We spent the better part of the morning removing the bricks.  Luis beat it with the ax and Mason and I lugged it out in the snow to the side of the house.  The hood was our undoing.  We hit it, and hit it, and pulled it, and pushed it.  We attacked it with a crowbar.  I climbed up inside the back and whacked it with the ax.  Unfortunately, it's bolted solidly to studs from the inside and we need to get a saw to cut off the brackets.  Due to the weather, that's not happening this weekend.

Must also acknowledge the amazing and Seahawks won the Super Bowl last weekend!  Big woot!