Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

As promised, here's the video of Siena's dance recital!

I spent last week doing exactly what I wanted to do - Christmas stuff with the family. On Monday, Luis and I took the kids to the downtown Macy's (formerly Meier & Frank) to see Santa. Luis and I both have memories of going to the downtown Meier & Frank to see Santa as kids. It was the best place to go to see Santa as they had the big decorations, the best Santa, and the train. The train has been dismantled but the decor and Santa are still good.
Meeting the reindeer is exciting of course.
There was a bit of a line since the kids of Portland had to get in at the last minute to get their Christmas wishes logged with the big man. The kids found a nice spot on the floor though.
No blog pictures of the kids with Mr. Claus but we sprung for the $15 5x7 and the fancy light up frame. They had the better angle anyway. Y'all will just have to come by if you want to see it.
The train may be dismantled but a portion of it is still on display. The kids loved it!
Tuesday I spent shopping with Yaya. The mall of course was a zoo but we had a good time. Wednesday the kids and I constructed this work of gingerbread art:
Thursday night we took the kids to see the light display at PIR to get them revved up for Christmas, as if they need it.
On the afternoon of Christmas eve, we went to my aunt Mary Lou to celebrate the holidays with the family. Since all of us cousins aren't often in the same place at the same time (especially now that Shelley lives in NC), we took a picture to memorialize the moment. From top left: Jay B, Travis, me, Chelsey (with new baby Calvin), Heidi. From bottom left: Shelley and Amanda.
The 3 siblings: Mary Lou, dad (Ron), and Joanne. No, dad isn't wearing some weird musical note hat. It only looks that way.
Our family with the Grandparents. I think it made the grandparents happy that Mason and Siena so happily and willingly crawled up on their laps. We thought it was sweet too.
At one point, Heidi took to the piano to play Jingle Bells and the kids got their boogie on.

Little Berren with baby Calvin.

After the big family gathering, we went to Yaya and Papa Ron's house for dinner and presents. Mason LOVED his Lego airport. He spent most of Christmas day putting it together - at least 5 hours and he did it himself!
Uh oh. Dad and I forgot to talk about who was going to get mom her Kinkade calendar this year.
Mason playing with some new toys!
Siena feeding her new Baby Alive. Yup, Baby Alive eats and poops.
Luis doing his "Baby Alive" dance...
The proud mama...
Singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing Peanuts style out in the front yard.
Christmas morning - early Christmas morning. Excitement is in the air. Coffee is in the mugs, not that Siena needed any. Mason got a Star Wars space ship! He watched Star Wars for the first time this week and is becoming a big fan.
Siena got an awesome new blanket from Lucinda and Deb.
After presents, I had some baking to do so we'd have plenty of time for Luis' Tur-Duck-Hen to bake in the oven. Mason was a big helper with the cookies.
The finished product. See, I cook.
Siena is having fun with her new karaoke microphone. She's ready for American Idol.
The Cruz family (sans Jose and Gloria who are in Puerto Rico) came over for Christmas dinner along with my folks. Tristyn also had fun with Siena's microphone. Siena's got some competition!
A group of adults + Tur-Duck-Hen + a Wii = Rock Time! At least until Luis broke the foot pedal on his drums. Doh!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas as well. This one was defintely one of my favorites!

1 comment:

cousin Craig said...

That video was great! Siena looked good up there!