Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween to All...

No one was more excited for Halloween to come than the Cruz kids. Every day for 2 weeks Siena would ask "is it time for Trick-or-Treating" and we'd have to count down the days. Costumes were ready, pumpkins carved, candy in bowl to give out...the time finally came for the big night!

Yaya and Papa Ron have had quiet, peaceful Halloweens the last couple of years so they decided to come enjoy the festivities at our house. Yaya handed out candy and ooh'd and aah'd over the cute little monsters and critters that came to the door.

Mason the airplane! If I ever make an airplane costume again, I'll have to make hinged wings. Some of the 70's style stairs and rails in our neighborhood posed a challenge to this captain and his wide wing span.
Fortunately Princess Belle was on hand to come to the rescue if the path became too narrow or the doorbell too hard to reach! Speaking of which, here's the gorgeous Princess!
The dashing duo in full costume regalia!
Happy kids!
It was a fun and memorable Halloween for the Cruz kids. The only way I can think of to end this spook night post is to quote the kids' favorite Halloween book: Happy Halloween to all and to all a Fright Night!

1 comment:

cousin Craig said...

It's always fun to see the kids in their costumes. You did a great job on the airplane, and Belle is splendiferous!