Sunday, November 16, 2008

Its Been A Hard Days Night

For non-accountants, it should be noted that the life of an accountant is centered around dates and deadlines. For tax accounants, its obviously all about April 15. For financial reporting accountants like me, its all about quarter end management and SEC reporting deadlines. I am currently in the midst of the 3rd quarter close and its been a beast. Here's what at typical day for me last week entailed:

6:45 AM - Alarm goes off. I roll over but do not acknowledge.

7:01 AM - Carl Castle comes on the radio with Morning Edition from NPR. I know now that I really should get out of bed.

7:07 AM - Morning edition is over and OPB is beginning their news. Now I really know its time to get out of bed.

7:16 AM - I'm out of bed. Both kids are shouting "AWAKE!!!"

7:24 AM - I should be in shower. Instead, I'm pouring apple juice for Mason and removing lid from yogurt carton for Siena.

7:46 AM - Morning routine is concluded. Note that routine is precisely the same every morning. Any variation in the order runs the risk of forgetting something critical. Like deodorant.

7:54 AM - Sitting in the Starbucks drive-thru line to procure my non-fat triple shot vanilla latte and my chonga bagel toasted with cream cheese. I am also listening to one of my podcasts, likely either Never Not Funny or This American Life.

8:28 AM - Arrive at my desk. Attempt to inhale bagel prior to our 8:30 team meeting. If bagel is not consumed, bagel comes to meeting.

8:54 AM - Meeting has concluded. We are all aware of how behind we are but what our priorities for the day are.

9:02 AM - Use restroom.

10:02 AM - Use restroom.

10:46 AM - Grab a Snickers and a Reeses peanut butter cup from the candy dish.

11:02 AM - Use restroom. Darn latte and water combo.

11:25 AM - Wonder what lunch today will be.

11:44 AM - Wonder if lunch might be early.

11:58 AM - Lunch is here. Run down hall and fill plate.

12:05 PM - Eat lunch while attempting to complete LA Times Crossword puzzle online.

12:15 PM - Crossword and lunch are completed, after 5 "hints" received for the crossword.

1:35 PM - Post-lunch sleepiness begins to set in.

2:23 PM - Post-lunch sleepiness is in full force. Procure another Snickers and some M&M's from candy dish.

3:02 PM - Use restroom.

4:14 PM - Start wondering what is for dinner.

5:01 PM - Run down hall and fill up dinner.

5:07 PM - Eat dinner while attempting to complete USA Today crossword online. Same number of "hints" are required.

6:12 PM - Enjoying post dinner second wind.

7:14 PM - Wondering how late I'm going to have to stay tonight.

8:16 PM - Start dropping subtile, passive aggressive hints and questions to manager in vain attempt to determine how late I will be staying.

8:33 PM - Ponder the reasons I entered this profession.

8:54 PM - Give up the attempt to determine the lateness and focus attention on not falling asleep on desk.

9:03 PM - Stare blankly at screen for 3 straight minutes.

9:07 PM - Start IM-ing coworker to determine how late he thinks we'll be working.

9:22 PM - Keep plowing away for another 15 minutes.

9:37 PM - Determine its a lost cause. Go home.

10:02 PM - Arrive home braindead to excited and chatty husband.

10:15 PM - Attempt to chat back and watch tv for few minutes.

10:24 PM - Determine its a lost cause. Go to bed.

So for anyone that ever cared and most of those that didn't, there's a day in the life of an accountant. Is there now any wonder why there is no reality show following us around all day?

In case you're starved for pictures or were wondering what Luis and the kids were doing this week while I was doing the aforestated, they spent one day at the Bob the Builder exhibit at the Children's Museum.

The Children's Museum also has a nice water play area. Looks to me like they were having more fun than I was...
Prior to this visit, Mason had been afraid to go in the water area of the museum. Guess he's past that.

The apron is a nice look for him.
Here's the Bob the Builder exhibit. Mason has become a huge Bob the Builder fan of late thanks to some DVD check-outs from the library. This is his favorite vehicle from the show, Rolly. I think he likes Rolly because he's green, Mason's favorite color.
Siena likes whatever her big brother likes so she too was happy to see the Bob the Builder exhibit.
What?!? They're standing next to each other and no one is crying? I have been gone a long time.

Twice?!?!?!? Goodness!!

Luckily I have gotten to spend a lot of time with both kids and the hubby bthis weekend. Thank goodness. I sure missed them.

1 comment:

Ron Torland said...

Uh, does any actual accounting work enter into your day? It seems to be centered around food and bathroom breaks. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

And oh, yeah, since I'm in a pissy mood due to my computer periodically spontaneously re-booting and throwing out random error messages, this is probably a good time to remind you that you need to get better aquainted with your apostrophes. If it is a contraction of two words you use an apostrophe, i.e. it's for it is, he's for he is, etc. Never mind, it's past my bedtime. (Note the apostrophe)