Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lucky #7!!!

Yesterday was Siena's birthday party.  She has been planning this party since before Mason's birthday party last May so she was so excited when the big day finally arrived.

Since she is so into baking these days, we went with a baking theme for her birthday party.

She's also helping me blog this week so here goes:

Siena said "These are the big cupcakes we made!"
Here's the birthday girl.  She says "I'm so excited for my big party today!"
First activity was decorating aprons with fabric paint.  Siena made "a lovely picture with the paint."
Sharon helps Giada with her apron while Siena's classmates Myla and Angelina make good progress on theirs.
Here's Siena, Ellia, Berren, and Tristyn working hard on their aprons.
Siena "love's her apron!"  Here's Mason's skull and cross bone apron.
Now that we have a bunch of aprons that need to dry, it's time to decorate the cupcakes!!  Here's Giada and Tristyn working on theirs.
Even cousin Kendra joined in to decorate a cupcake along with Ellia.
Luis and Heidi chatting at the party...hopefully about a future trip to Norway...
Yes, the multiple photo editing options got the better of me here.  I couldn't help it with the cute picture of the October birthday girls Siena and Tristyn reading cards together.
The pinata!!!!
Due to October Oregon rain, we had to pinata inside.  It was the lower key string pull variety though so it still worked.
And the kids got plenty of loot!
"I got lots of candy!!!"
Huh...somehow these pictures ended up out of order... Oh well.  Here's the aprons all set up and ready for some kids.
Mason post party finds some fun with the spare chairs.
Blowing out the candle on her cupcake...while eating another cupcake.
JUSTIN BIEBER DOLL!!  Only one person could have picked that out for Siena...Kendra.
Today we went to Tristyn's cowgirl birthday party which was also a lot of fun.  Lets not forget that the kids also had soccer and dance this weekend.  It was another crazy busy weekend but a lot of fun.

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