Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Kumla to Mama

Another busy weekend and another year older for me.

Yesterday Yaya and Papa Ron came over to help with the big project of painting Siena's room.  Don't adjust your monitors, that's bubble bum pink.  She also got a new bed spread, night stand, desk, and dresser (dresser is off to the left).  Siena LOVES her new room and it does look pretty good.
I got to spend my birthday one of the best ways I can think of...eating KUMLA!!  Since I was more focused on eating, I didn't take a bunch of pictures. However, after last week's blog, I figured that was okay.

Kumla is potato based...straight from Auntie Lou's garden to the cat litter bucket, to our bellies!
Here's Auntie Lou with the newest member of her family Oxford.
And here's the aforementioned puppy Oxford um, introducing himself to my cousin Amanda's dog Remy, as only dogs can.
Joanne ponders the fluid on her arm after rubbing up against Remy, post Oxford.
Yaya and her Nannies!
Part of the kumla group - Luis, Dad, Heidi, Mary Lou, Mom, Matt, and Chelsey.
It was a wonderful day, at least until Luis got home and started barking at me to put the groceries away.  Guess it's back to reality.

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