Sunday, August 19, 2012

Draw a Blog

Just because we haven't taken a lot of pictures lately doesn't mean we haven't been busy.  For some reason, the camera just hasn't come into play.  Guess we're too busy doing and not enough snapping.

It's been hot the last couple of weeks, as August in Oregon sometimes is.  The Cruz house has held up well though thanks to some strong air conditioning and runs through the sprinkler by the kids.
Mason started soccer a couple of weeks ago and is continuing to improve.  He practices twice a week and his games will start up in September.
Siena is really into watching Nerdy Nummies on YouTube and is anxious to bake - in particular cupcakes these days.  The kids had a sleepover at Yaya and Papa Ron's on Friday and brought home some cupcakes so we might defer until next Sunday to make the Angry Bird cupcakes she's so excited about.  In the mean time, she's providing me with all sorts of baking tips so this is sure to be a success.
I've been getting the waverunner out as much as possible this year.  So far we've had it out the last 4 weekends in a row.  However, this week it resulted in the loss of my cell phone.  I had it in my pocket and forgot to put it in the holder until 2 minutes up river.  Unfortunately that was 2 minutes too long.  Phone gone.  Add to that the speeding ticket I got last Tuesday and it's been a very expensive week.
We spent last weekend at the beach house.  It was the annual Taft sand castle building contest so we walked down the beach to check that out.  We also did some school shopping for the kids at the outlet mall and had breakfast at our favorite haunt - the Spouting Horn.
Siena is here blogging with me and has requested that I add "Siena likes to swim a lot".  So in case there was any doubt, now you know.

We also had our big fantasy football draft on Friday as well as the annual "Cock Fest" badminton tournament yesterday with Luis' friends.  Today I met up with my friend Sarah for coffee.  So as you can see, we've had a couple of fun and busy weekends.

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