Monday, May 19, 2008


Hi all! This is my attempt at blogdom. I'm not sure what compelled me to do this or why I think anyone will read it. I'll do my best to keep the conversation "lively" though. Here's some of my favorite pictures of the kids.

Mason (aka Bubba) last October at the pumpkin patch.

Siena...yes, that's a yogurt hair conditioning treatment.

Mason...doing his thing on the side of the highway...

Cutie girl on Easter:

I have a goal of updating this every week or so. I have been notoriously bad at updating their babybooks and crafty things of that nature. I also haven't managed to get Christmas cards sent out in the last 5 years. And I only email 3 people on a regular basis. Good lord I'm pathetic. Anyway, maybe this will fulfill some of the above obligations. And its a heck of a lot easier than I thought to set this up. Had I known, I would have done so years ago...
In case anyone is wondering what the story is behind "dayzdtomato", here it is. Back in high school my 2 best friends and I somehow ended up with the nicknames Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato. All of the names stuck. I, in case you haven't figured it out, am Tomato. The "dayzd" is a derivative of "Days of our Lives" which I watched religiously for about 5 or 6 years until I became too busy to keep up with it. However I've found that dayzdtomato has served me well online as no one else on the planed has that moniker.
Well, that's enough for today. Happy Monday everyone!!

1 comment:

what kind of a name is abra said...

Yeah!!! Welcome to the world of blogging! I love to read other people's blogs, it is a great time waster, I mean, quality time. Your kids are sooooooooo cute, and so big! When did that happen?