Sunday, March 10, 2013

If Trying to Prepare a 1065 Is A Sign...

...Luis and I will never participate in the Amazing Race together.  Unfortunately for us, it costs a lot of money to prepare a 1065 on Turbo Tax, and we're certainly not going to pay someone to do it, so that leaves us having to fill in the form manually.  It's the ultimate tax Detour (to use Amazing Race terminology).  We'd be better off putting together another basketball hoop.

Despite what the calendar says, spring decided to grace Portland with its presence yesterday.  As true Portlanders will, we loaded up the family and went to Saturday Market.
The China Town entrance was looking cool from our parking spot so I couldn't resist snapping this shot.
Our favorite stand at Saturday Market - Spoonman!  Siena is displaying some glasses made from strainers.
Mason liked the snake made from a bike chain with a spoon head.
Taking a break from a lot of walking and people.
The kidos wanted to get their faces painted.  Siena went for a lovely butterfly.
Mason had to get the cool skull to match the one on his shirt.
After Saturday Market and a detour to Voo Doo donuts, we went to dinner at my parents house. They made some great ribs and, at Luis' request, potato salad.

Yesterday was so busy between gymnastics, running, Sat Market, and my parents, that we decided today was our lazy day to stay home.  I'm now hoping my Blazers can pull out a W.

Fingers crossed that Luis and I can get this 1065 completed correctly and with our marriage in tact. :-)

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