Sunday, February 19, 2012

Balla's Got Game!

We've stayed fairly close to home lately.  It doesn't often lead to exciting blogs, but it is still day to day life and what we've been up to.  Mason's still playing basketball and Siena taking dance lessons.  Last Sunday Mason and Luis got a little extra practice in at Yaya and Papa Ron's house.  Sometimes coaching from Daddy isn't Mason's favorite thing, but all in all, it went well.

Happy hoopster!
Here's Mason at this week's game.  He had a lot more confidence and actually played like a real point guard. He brought the ball up the court a few times, made some good passes, and took the shots when they were open.  What a difference a week made!
Sir Speedy headed down the court.
After basketball we dropped the kids off at my parents for a sleepover and Luis and I had a date night.  We did some walking around the Hawthorne area before going to the Bagdad to watch Twilight.  Luis checks out the remnants of a lot of concert posters.
The Bagdad is a cool theater pub where you get to eat a full meal while enjoying your film.
It was also time this week to replace my good old running shoes.  Out with the old... with the new.  Gave them a good 8.5 mile break in today and they're fabulous!

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