Sunday, September 11, 2011

Warrior Week

Labor day weekend gave way to the first day of school for the kids.  For Mason, it was the first day of second grade. For Siena, the first day of kindergarten.  Of course, the warm weather we had been missing all summer finally came this week, just in time for the kids to not be able to wear many of their new school clothes.
Siena in her kindergarten classroom.  Siena's teacher is Ms. Tina, same as Mason had for kindergarten.  After the first day, Tina told Luis that "she sure is different from her brother."
By her second day of kindergarten, she decided that she wanted to walk in by herself to school like Mason does.  Bear in mind that I walked Mason into school every day for the first half of his kindergarten year.  Anyway, when I asked her if she was sure, she sighed and responded "Positive!"

Yesterday was my favorite race of the year...the annual Warrior Dash!  This year's dash was tougher than last years.  Not only was it 95 degrees at the start of my heat, they added some tougher obstacles.  They also altered the route so there were more uphills than last year, as though there weren't enough last year.  This was actually one of the more manageable obstacles on the course.
Of course the mud is the most fun.  I got some good momentum going here and covered a good 30 yards on my belly.
Here's some video of me in the trenches.  It looks like I'm going slow but the mud was thick and we had to stay low to get under the barbed wire.
Post race Kris.  Nothing like a good mud bath for the skin.
Having some snacks with the kids after rinsing off in the pond.
Today we went to the DeCicco's to watch the opening weekend of the NFL.  My Seahawks performed as I expected them to...with a big loss.  We had a nice time with them though and made some more plans for our trip.  And they gave us some Disney homework.

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