Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Spirit of the 90s is Alive in Portland

After a week of work, today is break time.  I have been continuing to help out Isler with tax returns on Saturdays.  One of their interns had to quit last week as a result of some health issues so they are even more behind.  I have to admit, it's somewhat nice being an outsider just helping out at this point.  It also seems like the staff are doing the required number of hours and not a minute more.  When I was a staff, we tended to work above and beyond as the work load dictated.  I came home lamenting "kids these days"...

Back at Mentor, Mr. Icahn continues to orchestrate his media game against us.  What the outcome will be, no one knows at this time.  We have to continue to see how it plays out.  I'm just happy to be in between quarter ends at this point.  I can go to workout classes and get home at normal times.

We continued our new tradition of Sunday walks today by going up to some of the trails around the zoo.  Blinky Siena and Mason had take a break at one point.  We did a lot of walking around on the trails around the Hoyt Arborarium and on the Wildwood Trail.

We were fortunate in that the rain held out today too.
I just thought this tree was neat.  It had more pine cones than I have ever seen on a tree.
This is up above the Vietnam Veterans memorial.  Picture sponsored by The Gap.
While it was dry and reasonably warm, it was still too cloudy to see the city in the background.  We tried though.
A lady with her family was nice enough to offer to take a picture of the 3 of us. 

Luis has kept busy this week working, taking in the Timbers first ever MLS game in Portland, and pursuing new business opportunities.  Much like the Icahn situation, we don't know yet what will come of it but we'll keep you posted.

The kids are nicely playing I Spy right now. I'm wondering how long the harmony will last.  For now though, it's so darn cute. Time for me to go watch my new favorite show, Who Do You Think You Are.  I'm a nerd.

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