Sunday, December 14, 2008

From the Station that Brought You WINTER STORM 2008...

I was skeptical. Very skeptical. 96.4%* of the time, when weathermen predict snow in the Portland metro area, particularly on the valley floor, there is nothing. This percentage was even higher when I was in school wanting nothing more than a school closure to get me out of a biology test.

I'm woman enough to admit when I'm I was this time. My snow skepticism will still remain but for now, we've got a snow spectacle outside.
On a Sunday, this is not so bad. We simply bundled up and went out to play.
Sadly, this is only the second time the kids have been able to wear their snow suits. The only other time was a trip we made up to Snow Bunny last spring, when it was about 70 degrees and the thick snow suits weren't even really needed.
We didn't really have much accumulation of snow last year so its been a good two years since the kids have really been outside to play in snow. Obviously they have very little recollection of the last time. I showed them how to make snow angels and we attempted a snow man but alas, the snow was too powdery.
There's my trio walking in the snow. We were looking for a good sledding hill, of which there's several in our neighborhood. Cars had carved up most of the good ones and the snow was too thick (I can't believe I'm saying that) on a few others for much fast action.
We learned that Mason is our fair-weather friend. He didn't like it snowing in his face and wanted to "go home". Siena was completely unphased by any of it and enjoyed every minute. Course, that hasn't stopped Mason from begging to go back out this afternoon.

We were supposed to go up to YaYa and Papa Ron's today to watch our favorite Christmas movie, "Christmas Vacation" and decorating cookies. Obviously that didn't happen. Hopefully next weekend.
Luis was employed for 2 days this week, serving as a medical guinea pig for my Uncle Bruce and his new cardiac ultrasound machine.
Supposidly I'm to go to San Francisco tomorrow for CPE. Looks to be an intersting commute tomorrow morning...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you've missed this chance to make a snowman! At least you went sledding and the kids look like they're having a great time.

EVANS said...

I'm curious at the 96.4% and how you arrived at that. Obviously, you're correct, weathermen never get it right predicting snow except this time. Hooray for the snow!