Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm Not Doing Jack Today!!

Every week and weekend is busy. I don't see this changing anytime in the near future. Somehow my energy level will just have to adjust.

So after a week of chaos, we contine the Tazmanian Devil existance into the weekends. Saturday morning I did a little bookkeeping work for one of my former clients. Yes, my current employers are aware and are fine with this arrangement. Anyway, after my money-making endeavours were done, I met up with the fam and we high-tailed it to our niece Tristyn's 1st b-day party. Since we're rarely organized, we first drove to Joel and Mandy's house before realizing that the reason there were no cars there was because the party was actually at Mandy's parents house. Doh! Back to the car.

We finally made it. Speaking of the birthday girl, here she is with her cousin Kendra.
There was a pinata. Siena took a big whop at it...
and ended up breaking it, but not in the open and candy falling out kind of way. She managed to rip the top off and separate it from the string. That's my girl!
Mason knew just what to do with that stick too!
Here's Luis' a$$ - oh wait, its the kids grabbing the candy.
Mason's got his loot!
And so does Siena. Just what they need, more candy.
After the birthday party, we hurried home and changed into our costumes for the Renner's Halloween Party. Luis and I were John Lennon and Yoko Ono. I'll keep the kids' as a surprise for next week's blog. The party was a lot of fun - good food and costumes.
That was a lot to do in one day for the Cruzes. Today is much more low-key by design.
In other important news though, the Blazers season officially kicks off this week. If you thought I was enthusiastic for the Olympics, they don't have anything on my Blazers. This year's team is certainly one to be excited about thanks to:

B. Roy!!!!!
Mr. Greg Oden!!!
And the thrilling Spaniard Rudy Fernandez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, I'll be watching.
Now we're off to carve pumpkins. Guess I am doing Jack today after all.


Anonymous said...

Rudy looks very prim in that picture.

Anonymous said...

Snickers, the choice of people over forty everywhere! The survey kind of blends into the background so maybe some people missed it.

Ron Torland said...

Hey, how 'bout those Blazers in their opening game! Is Greg Oden going to be another Sam Bowie? I say, go Joe P!