Saturday started much as it usually does with Seina's dance class. They're working on a cute dance routine to "Let it Snow" for their December recital. After the dance class we had to come home and work on a project for Mason's school. That left about an hour for lunch, shower, and changing and on to my niece Tristyn's birthday party.
Costumes were encouraged at Tristyn's party but as I'm not quite done with Mason's airplane costume for this year, he had to wear last year's race car driver costume. He did soop it up by adding the racer helmet.
Mary Lou, Heidi, and Chandra put on a wonderful shower. They served high tea including amazing food. Even the tea was great, and I'm not much of a tea drinker.
All guests were also tasked with decorating a onesie. Amanda and my aunt Joanne, of course, came up with this one.
Heidi had a little accident with the brown paint. I guess there are limits to how hard you can squeeze it.
Here's the baby carrier Chelsey mother noticed that apparently you can nurse while walking your baby around. Everything's about multitasking these days.
Mary Lou made this wonderful blanket for her newest grandson.
After a great night at the shower and staying up late to watch the Beavers lose to Washington in overtime, it was time for busy weekend part 2: Siena's birthday party!
Yup, my little baby Siena turned 5 on Saturday, celebrating her birthday with her birthday buddy Papa Ron. The kids were excited for today's party as well. So was Tommy.
Yaya was a huge help as ever and as you'll see in later pictures, we certainly needed all the help we could get. She brought all of the finger foods and decorations. We couldn't have pulled this off without all of her help.
She even put Mason to work sorting napkins. He's a good kid and was more than happy to help.
Here's the birthday girl! She's sporting her Belle halloween costume today for her party. We even had to put her hair back in a low pony tail just like Belle.
The birthday buddies play horsie before the guests arrive.
Officially it was supposed to be a Wii playing party but the kids seemed more than happy just to play with the toys together so the Wii thing didn't totally happen. That's totally fine though and Chris and Siena did manage to get a little Wii resort action in.
Similar to Heidi's brown paint fiasco, we had a couple big mishaps ourselves. Papa Ron was kindly helping to break up the ice and managed to stab the bottle of Coke with a knife, sending cola spewing all over himself and the kitchen.
Siena told me that she wanted a pink, heart shaped cake. While at Michael's last weekend, we bought some special heart shaped cake pans. This morning the kids helped me mix up the cake batter and bake the cake. They also helped to mix the frosting. Unfortunately, I forgot to grease the bottom of the cake pan which led to a disasterous result when trying to get it out of the pan.
The good news is that it tasted better than it looked. Maybe next year we'll buy a cake.
As for the frosting, the pink frosting I got from Micheals was gel like, which I've never used before, and it ended up coming out of the container in a giant chunk leaving the frosting closer to crimson than pink.
The best I can say about this cake is that it looks anatomically correct.
And the blob of cake didn't seem to faze Siena.
1 comment:
That was a lot of parties. The weekend's still only two days right?
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