After a busy work week in which I gave so many presentations that I was tired of hearing my own voice, it was time for another busy weekend.
Yesterday we went to Joanne and Doug's house to celebrate my cousin Amanda's engagement to Tyson. Course, I forgot my camera. Amanda was going to email me pictures but I'm still Mason would say "tick tock, tick tock"....
Today Luis spent his hard earned March Madness winnings on another family toy. Yaya and Papa Ron happen to have the perfect property for Go-Karting. We've talked about it for a while and seemed like now was as good a time as any. Eventually we hope to make a little track in the field behind the shop. The driveway is also fun to drive around.

Luis and Mason go for the first ride. Mason was a little scared the first go-round but by the end of the evening, he was all about speed.

There's Siena and I. The little car goes surprisingly fast - probably 30-40 mph on the straight-away portion of the driveway. Not surprisingly, Siena had no problem with speed at any time.

Luis and Mason examine the inner brake workings...

And from cars to blowing dandilions...

The kids' legs are too short to reach the pedals but they can still steer with someone giving a little push from behind.

Yaya is getting her cataracts fixed on Tuesday, and it turns out to not have been quite soon enough. See where Mason is pointing? Apparently there was a curb that Yaya didn't see.

We have a couple minor modifications to make to the Go-Kart, seat cushions, better seatbelts, and, apparently, an adjustment to the brakes. Luis! Watch out for Yaya's cupboards! Doh.

At least all of her canning jars are kept one shelf higher. I'm just glad I wasn't the first Cruz to crash. I would have never heard the end of it.
I don't know what to say. A go cart? Now you can listen to one of those depressing female folk singers whine about pies on your ipod while reliving your pre driver's license dreams by tooling around your mom and dad's driveway at 30 MPH, and thereby define and exemplify both "sad" and "lame" forever.
Was that too harsh? It seems kind of harsh to me. I hasten to point out that the go cart is only sad with the addition of the female folk singer caterwauling in your ear while you're driving. Otherwise it's just lame, but not as sad. See, that's not so bad is it?
Why didn't you just repost some old pictures of your cousin and her fiance? I know you had some on an earlier blog. Maybe they didn't make the 20,000 photo memory card cut? Is that what happened? The old memory card two step. "I'm sorry Allison and Tyrell I need to clear some space for this unfocused photo of my shoes I accidently took while I was trying to work my newfangled digital camera! You can't get those cherished memories back. Memories of the shoes I mean. Those were my favorite shoes, and it's so difficult to get them acting natural."
Is that how you spell Tyrell? My apologies for any misspellings. Maybe if I had some pictures to put with names I could remember how to spell those names.
Um, I just checked the post and I was way off on the Tyrell thing. You can't delete these comments either. Why did I think it was Tyrell? That's just weird. Anyway, apologies yet again to Tyson.
I've now alienated both the hearts and karts factions of this post.
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