So I don't think Luis is crazy. The more time passes, the more I think it was a reaction to the Claritin and not something more. Granted, it was an extreme reaction but I the more I see him now and look back, the more I think that's what it is. Anyone know how to sue Claritin?
Me neither.
Why is it the weekends seem busier than the week days? Yesterday we took the kids down to Portland International Raceways (PIR) for the Rose Cup races. For all of us but Luis, this was our first ever car race. The biggest surprise for me was not seeing a single mullet!
Here's Luis and the kids taking in the first of the Porche qualifying races.

Yup, we were sporting our caps for this event.

Siena wanted to get out on the track so bad...apparently the fact of only being 3 years old wasn't a deterrant.

Here's Siena getting the feel of an old school racing car.

At PIR you're able to go down in the pits and interact with the drivers and their cars. One driver was nice enough to let the kids try out his car. Mason wussed out but Siena wasn't going to let such a neat opportunity pass by.

Mason did enjoy checking out the burnt tire rubber and the engine mechanics, not to mention the drivers cool water shirt and driving suit. Cool stuff.

I thought these Porsche scooters were pretty cool.

And here was my favorite race car of them all. Believe it or not, this car not only raced, but we got to see it in action - bringing up the rear, of course.

A lunch break with cutie boy and his Speed Racer hat.

And Siena and her freebie pink hat.

Here's my boys!

And me and my babies...

Wait, what happened to the sweet babies...I'm getting pounced on...

There was also an old school cruise-in at PIR on this day. Luis is checking out the VW van with the matching go-cart.

Ramone? From Cars? He's making an appearance...

This car was named "Tinkerbell" and as such was Siena's favorite.

Mason liked the race cars best but seeing a "Herbie" was a treat nonetheless.

After the PIR event, we had to run straight to Mason's soccer game. We had only an hour break after his game before going to cousin Kendra's dance recital. Siena was showing off her dancing moves in the lobby. She's anxious for lessons after watching big cousin perform.

I caught Luis mid-tongue. Clearly I'm not against including unflattering pictures - just not of myself.

The challenge of being 3.5 years old and under 40 lbs is that theater chairs fold up on you. My... its rough being a little girl.

The Cruzer movie reviews continue this week...

He may not be into you, but you should be into this movie. This ranks 7 out of 10 on the "repeat watchability scale" due to its light nature, recognizable cast, and good humor. Both Luis and I liked this "chick flick", though Luis tends to like most chick flicks so that may not be the best litmis test. Regardless, it moves along at a fast clip and is engaging from beginning to end.

Not sure how 2 chick flicks in one week happened, though I'm sure I had something to do with it. This movie was fine, though not as high quality as the aforementioned "He's Just Not that Into You". Perhaps if not seen on the heels of that flick, it may have seemed better. Instead it came across as predicatable, and, while cute and mostly entertaining, ultimately fell flat. You won't come away feeling your 2 hours were wasted, but you likely won't go back for more either.

Since we didn't have enough activity this weekend, we took the kids today to see "Up". This may well be the best movie I have seen in 2009, in any genre. All 4 of us really enjoyed it which, given the age groups and tastes present, says a lot. There wasn't a dull moment in this film. In addition, the story was incredibly touching and, I have to say, really funny in a lot of instances. I can't imagine anyone not coming out of this movie without a smile.
BEAT LA!!!!! (I'm currently watching the Magic vs. Lakers and it isn't looking so good for the Magic).
I see in one photo your child was touching a car on display. You may not know this, but proper car show etiquette is to ask the car owner no matter what condition the car is in, permission to touch the car. Most car owners will even allow your child to sit in the cars if asked. Thanks!
I'm not going crazy????
Thank you Anonymous! Your courageous support for car show etiquette is an inspiration. You stared down that conclusion and made your leap with no thought of the consequences to yourself. You could be wrong about who asked permission and who didn't, but defending car show etiquette is the greater good here. You've boldly put your good name on the line to openly speak out on this very important issue. God Bless You.
Kris, you're trying to take good pictures of yourself? Really?! You should really start posting those pictures I'd like to see them.
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