Mason has been fully potty trained for #1 for at least a year and a half. Its like clockwork now. He can correctly identify all of his ABC's, 123's, colors, and car engine parts. He wouldn't poop in the toilet though. He'd politely request a diaper and then void.
Then something changed. Wednesday, March 25, 9:30 AM I receive a call at work. Mason POOPED in the TOILET!!! And I beamed for the next 12 hours.
I hadn't taken any time off (aside from unplanned snow days) since last summer so I decided to take last Thursday and Friday off. On Thursday, Luis and I took the kids to Enchanted Forest.
Saturday was back to more family time. The kids were a little tired after a night at YaYa's (she was probably tired too) so we stayed close to home. Today too.
I spent 45 minutes in the bathroom with Mason today trying to coax him into pooping in the toilet again. Finally Luis was able to get him too. Apparently I thought after going once, the seal would be broken and all pooping would flow easy. Nope. Now we have 2 down though and hopefully more to come.
Luis went downtown today to see if he could get a part as an extra in a movie being filmed in town next month. Unfortunately, the rest of the Portland unemployed had the same idea...